
Making-of of the TV news scene and team-introduction

Making-of of the TV news scene and team-introduction

We recently got an extension of our Startnext Crowdfunding. While touscoprod was a succes already, we do need some last support at Startnext in this final month.

If you want one of the special rewards (DVD, Poster, T-Shirt …), but missed the touscoprod Crowdfunding, then head over to startnext: http://www.startnext.de/en/saviour-film.

Here is our latest public Making-of video of the TV news scene. We will have an supporter-exclusive making-of video next monday. You have to support our movie at Startnext to get acces to it.

Making-of of the TV news scene & introduction of the team from Charlotte Roustang on Vimeo.

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